Thursday, May 25, 2023

A funny story that may explain why one Lyon Sackachit is transphobic







There was a time when one Lyon Sackachit was at a party at the castle of one of his favorite senators.  He saw, what he says, was one of the finest maidens in the kingdom.  He told his squire that because of his status the maiden would certainly let one Lyon Sackachit have his way with her.  He told his squire " watch how the privilege of royalty bestows pleasure".  He put a mint ball in his mouth and walked over to the maiden.  He looked into her eyes and he smiled.  He then placed his hand under her skirt and began to grope.  The maiden looked coldly into his eyes and said " excuse me sire but can you remove your hand from my scrotum".  Lyon Sackachit pulled his hand back from her skirt. He hurried away from the maiden and and went back to his squire and said "I'm not sure, but I don't think she is my type" The squire chuckled to himself and they left the party.

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