Thursday, May 25, 2023

A funny story that may explain why one Lyon Sackachit is transphobic







There was a time when one Lyon Sackachit was at a party at the castle of one of his favorite senators.  He saw, what he says, was one of the finest maidens in the kingdom.  He told his squire that because of his status the maiden would certainly let one Lyon Sackachit have his way with her.  He told his squire " watch how the privilege of royalty bestows pleasure".  He put a mint ball in his mouth and walked over to the maiden.  He looked into her eyes and he smiled.  He then placed his hand under her skirt and began to grope.  The maiden looked coldly into his eyes and said " excuse me sire but can you remove your hand from my scrotum".  Lyon Sackachit pulled his hand back from her skirt. He hurried away from the maiden and and went back to his squire and said "I'm not sure, but I don't think she is my type" The squire chuckled to himself and they left the party.

Monday, May 15, 2023

10 Best Ways to Tell if Someone is Lying to You: 


   In our daily lives, we often encounter situations where honesty and trust are paramount. Whether it's in personal relationships, professional settings, or even public figures, the ability to discern truth from deceit can be invaluable. While detecting lies is not an exact science, there are certain signs and behavioral cues that can help us identify when someone is being less than truthful. We will explore ten ways to tell if someone is lying, empowering you to uncover the truth.

  1. Inconsistent or Contradictory Statements:

One of the most apparent signs of dishonesty is when someone's statements don't align. Pay attention to discrepancies in their stories, inconsistencies in their timelines, or conflicting information provided. Liars often struggle to keep their lies straight, leading to slip-ups and contradictions in their narrative.

  1. Avoidance of Eye Contact:

Eye contact is a powerful non-verbal cue that can reveal a lot about a person's honesty. While it's not a foolproof method, individuals who are lying may avoid direct eye contact, becoming fidgety or looking away frequently. However, it's essential to consider cultural differences and individual variations in eye contact norms.

  1. Unusual Body Language:

Liars often display distinctive body language that deviates from their usual behavior. Look for signs of nervousness such as fidgeting, hand wringing, excessive sweating, or a sudden increase in blinking. Additionally, defensive gestures like crossed arms, touching the face or mouth, or a lack of open gestures may indicate deceit.

  1. Verbal Indicators:

Pay attention to specific verbal cues that can indicate someone is lying. These may include an increase in verbal fillers (such as "um" and "uh"), stammering, and a change in pitch or tone of voice. Pauses or delays in their speech pattern may also be an indicator that they are fabricating their response.

  1. Micro-expressions:

Micro-expressions are fleeting facial expressions that reveal underlying emotions. While they can be challenging to detect, they offer valuable insights into a person's true feelings. Look for momentary flashes of fear, surprise, or disgust that contradict the emotions expressed in their words.

  1. Excessive Defensiveness:

When confronted with accusations or questions about their honesty, liars often respond with excessive defensiveness. They may become hostile, deflect the blame, or try to change the subject altogether. This defensive behavior can be a way to divert attention from their deceitful actions or words.

  1. Changes in Behavior and Speech Patterns:

If someone's behavior or speech patterns suddenly deviate from their normal mannerisms, it could indicate potential deception. Liars may exhibit signs of nervousness, anxiety, or discomfort, which contrast with their usual composure. Listen for changes in speech speed, rhythm, or word choice.

  1. Lack of Detail:

While it may seem counterintuitive, liars often provide vague or ambiguous responses to avoid getting caught in their web of lies. When someone avoids offering specific details or repeatedly skirts around answering direct questions, it could be a sign that they are being untruthful.

  1. Gut Feeling:

Intuition can sometimes play a role in detecting deception. Our subconscious mind can pick up on subtle cues that our conscious mind may not register. If you have a strong gut feeling that something is amiss, pay attention to it. However, it's important to balance intuition with concrete evidence to avoid unfair judgments.

  1. Baseline Behavior:

Lastly, understanding a person's baseline behavior is crucial in identifying changes that may indicate dishonesty. Pay attention to their typical demeanor, body language, and communication style when they are being truthful. This will enable you to spot deviations or anomalies that might suggest they are lying.


While no method can guarantee absolute accuracy in detecting lies, being aware of these ten ways to tell if someone is lying can help you become a more discerning observer. It's essential to approach these indicators with caution, considering that individual variations and cultural norms can influence people's behavior. The key lies in combining multiple cues and gathering evidence before making conclusions. By sharpening your lie-detection skills, you can better navigate relationships, negotiate with authenticity, and preserve the trust that underpins meaningful connections.